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Our Skills Audit has identified that, once again, 大十大网博靠谱平台地区的公司很难找到开发商.

如果该地区的科技行业要发展成为世界领先的科技卓越地区, we need to address this problem.

As such, 我们认为通过编写一篇编译各种编码训练营的文章,将有助于帮助更多的人进入我们的行业, meetups, clubs and resources available within Greater Manchester – of which there are many.

Before we let you get on with investigating this list, we wanted to quickly remind you that as a membership organisation, 我们代表会员孜孜不倦地工作,尽我们所能填补技能差距,帮助他们取得成功. 

We do this by


Joining Manchester Digital, whether you’re a global company, a medium-sized tech company or digital agency, or a freelancer, 这意味着你正在为缩小技能差距和保障该地区的未来发挥自己的作用.

Join here. 

Manchester Code Clubs and Meetups

Code Up

What is it? - CodeUp是一个以学习者为主导的每月聚会,供成年人学习如何编写代码,每月一次, anyone wanting to learn how to code can come and get advice and support.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? - ManchesterSalfordOldham /Stockport

Website -

Social @CodeUpUK

codebar Manchester

What is it? - Codebar是一个非盈利组织,通过定期举办编程研讨会来促进多样化技术社区的发展.

How much is it? -Codebar的定期研讨会和活动都是免费的,这符合Codebar让技术和编码更容易获得的愿望.

Where is it - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @codebarManc


Full Stack of Pancakes 

What is it? - Full Stack of pancake是一群有创意的技术专家,他们想要打破学习如何编码的一些障碍. They organise free, accessible, and fun coding workshops for adults in Manchester. 

How much is it? - Free

Where is it? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @fspmcr


Code and Stuff

What is it? - A weekly coding community for women and non-binary people

How much is it? - Attendance is free

Where is it? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @Codeandstuff_uk


Manchester CoderDojo


What is it? - 十大网博靠谱平台CoderDojo是一个由志愿者领导的社区组织,旨在帮助年轻人学习编程和制作东西.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? -The Sharp Project

Website -

Social - @McrCoderDojo


Trafford CoderDojo

What is it? - 每月为特拉福德的孩子们提供一次免费的计算和编程活动. 

How much is it? -Completely free

Where is it? - Sale Library

Website -

Social - @TraffordCDojo



What is it? - A monthly Saturday-morning session for children and young people aged 8 – 13. 编码员通过一组资源来学习HTML、Python和CSS. award.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? - Wigan

Website -

Social -


Leigh Hackspace

What is it? - 一个免费的代码俱乐部,为想要学习编程的儿童和成人开发编程技能.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? - Leigh

Website - 

Social - @leigh_hackspace

Manchester Code School and Bootcamps


Manchester Codes

What is it? - Manchester Codes是英国最早的兼职编程学校,也是目前唯一一所涵盖全栈软件开发(前端和后端)的学校。. Over the course of 24 intense weeks, 它们涵盖了您能够获得入门级软件开发角色所需的所有基础知识.

How much is it? - £5000

Where is it? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @ManchesterCodes

Special info - 10% discount to female applicants.

Code Nation

What is it? - 以企业为主导的编程学校和学徒培训机构致力于培养填补数字技能缺口的人才. 

How much is it? - Their 12-week Master course costs £7200. 

Where is it? - Central Manchester, Trafford, Chester and Cambridge. 

Website -

Social - @wearecodenation

特别信息- Code Nation的网站告诉我们,他们与英国200多家企业合作,并为90%以上的毕业生找到了工作-起薪从1.8万英镑到3.5万英镑不等. Code Nation还在课程期间为所有学生提供MacBook Pro!


What is it? - 这是一个编程训练营,将在短短12周内教你从零开始编写代码,然后为你找到软件开发人员的工作.

How much is it? - £6000

Where is it? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @northcoders

特别信息- Northcoders的网站告诉我们,他们的毕业生平均起薪是2.5万英镑


What is it? - Recode provides a 14-week, 为技术行业中代表性不足的群体的个人以及任何因逆境或经济困难而无法进入的人提供全日制免费编程教育.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? -Bolton

Website -

Social -

Special info - Recode operate a ‘pay it forward’ model, 他们在哪里鼓励学习者传递他们从课程毕业后获得的好处.

Code Your Future

What is it? - Code Your Future is a non-profit organisation supporting refugees, 寻求庇护者和梦想成为软件开发人员的弱势群体.

How much is it? - 免费,但参与者必须准备好每周学习30个小时以上.

Where it is? - Started in London but now expanding into Manchester

Website -

Social - @CodeYourFuture_

Special info - Code Your Future need professionals from the tech industry to join their mentorship programme and give student guidance and support.

Tech Returners

What is it? - Tech Returners aims to remove the barriers that returners of all ages, genders and life circumstances face after a career break and, as a result, help to tackle the skills shortage in tech. 他们的课程将参与者带入一个涵盖软件开发基础的结构, frontend development skills and backend development skills. 

How much is it? - Free 15 week course

Where it is? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @techreturners


What is it? - 消防技术教给9-17岁的孩子们所需的技能,以席卷数字世界. From coding in Python, and Engineering robotics, to designing video games and building their personal brands on YouTube. They've taught over 12,000 courses. 所有课程都采用小班授课,由来自英国一些最好大学的专业导师授课. 

How much is it? - 课程费用从320英镑到420英镑不等(接受托儿券和奖学金)

Where is it? - Central Manchester / Salford

Website -

Social - @firetechcamp 

Django Girls

What is it? - Django Girls is a free programming workshop for women.

How much is it? - Completely free

Where is it? - Central Manchester

Website -

Social - @DjangoGirlsMCR


Online Coding Schools and Resources

Code Possible

What is it? - Code Possible is a software development learning resources platform 

How much is it? - Completely free

Website -



What is it? Codecademy是一个在线互动平台,提供包括Python在内的12种不同编程语言的免费编码课程, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, and Sass

How much is it? - Courses start from £23.99 per month

Website -


What is it? - 免费的在线课程,编程项目,以及开发人员工作的面试准备.

How much is it? - Completely free



Microsoft Virtual Academy

What is it? - Free IT training for Developers, IT Pros, Data Scientists, and students.

How much is it? - Completely free

Website -


Get in touch

如果你想成为十大网博靠谱平台数字的成员,并帮助我们支持我们在科技领域的工作, you can do so here. 

Or, if you would like to speak to us about sharing your news across our network, or you think your coding initiative should be added to this article, please contact

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